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Tag: buyers

Articles tagged as Buyers

Home Buying No-No's

Posted on March 15, 2024 by Jorge Rubio
The procedure for investing in a home stretches far beyond the specific purchase of the house.It has far-reaching effects and consequences or even handled properly.You can find several commonly made mistakes in real estate, many of them want to do with the contracts which are essential to complete the sale among others are mainly linked to skipping vital elements of the process to make an instant purchase...

First Time Home Buyer Grants

Posted on April 21, 2023 by Jorge Rubio
When you want to to purchase your first home, often wondering where you'll obtain money for a deposit and closing costs is of great concern.Before taking the plunge and learning to be a homeowner, investigate your options in where you live to see when you can receive advice about buying your first home.Many communities, counties and states in america offer grants which you can use for a deposit and/or closing costs...

Waiting For an Offer to Be Accepted

Posted on May 22, 2022 by Jorge Rubio
When you're waiting for your offer to be approved, countered or rejected, time appears to move in slow motion.If you did not specify a time limit in your deal, you might be waiting some time.Even if you did, the vendor has the opportunity to amend the time period by countering your offer.Sellers will often do this to keep you on the hook to say and get a bit more time.They know you won't take the counter-offer, but they're hoping you will counter back...

Real Estate Note Buyers

Posted on January 10, 2022 by Jorge Rubio
Real estate note buyers may either be individual buyers or businesses.Most property sellers usually accept property notes as part of a larger property deal that's been agreed upon.Payments are largely made in installments.People holding property notes frequently sell them when they're in need of big lump sum quantities.Many sellers don't to hold property notes for extended time.Real estate note buyers buy various kinds of privately held real estate notes...